Friday, July 30, 2010


This is our project question:

'Do you agree with Leonardo’s work on how the size of one body part is
related to that of another body part for the purpose of instructing painters on
how to paint the human body? For example: is the length of the arm related to
the circumference of the neck?'

This is the drawing of what Leornado had done to show how our body parts related to another body parts.

Thus our group will be showing how we are going to prove some of our body parts relate to one another by posting our findings onto our blog.

Research Topic:
Leornado’s theory.

Research Question:
Is our arm span’s length related to our height?
Is our foot length (X7) related to our height?

Dependent Variable:
· Arm Span
· Foot length

Independent Variable:
- Height


Research hypothesis - There is a relationship between the arm span’s length and the height.
- There is a relationship between the foot’s length and the height.
Null hypothesis - There is no relationship between the arm span’s length and the height.
- There is a relationship between the foot’s length and the height.


· Arm span is define as the physical measurement of the length from one end of an individual's arms (measured at the fingertips) to the other when raised parallel to the ground at shoulder height at a one-hundred eighty degree angle.
· Foot length is define as the physical measurement of the length from the tip of the toe to the back of the heel.
· Height is define as the physical measurement of the length from the top of the head to the back of the heel.

Arm span, foot length and the height is measured using the measuring tape.

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