Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Rachel, Jeni, Irene, Li Yao and May.

At the end of our findings, we found out that there is relationship between arm span and height , foot (1/7) and height, thus we reject the null hypothesis.

After analysis, the things that could have influenced the findings are as such:

- Finding participants to get measurements
- The respondents didn't fully extend their arm, which cause the length to be inaccurate.
But overall we learned how to overcome the problems.

The SPSS programme really help us alot. For instance, we key in the data and get it instantly, plotting graphs easily to obtain the results that we wanted. The SPSS programme is very helpful in getting our data done. We are glad that we got the chance to learn this software.

Last but not least, we thank the people who have helped us, like letting us take their measurements and pictures. We would also like to thank the teachers who taught us statistics.

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